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The filename customization API allows you to customize the filename of a document based on its content. This is useful when you do not want your editors to have to worry about the filename of a document.

A couple things to keep in mind when customizing the filename:

  • Filename can not contain any spaces
  • Filename must contain only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _, ., or /.
  • Filename must be unique within the collection
  • If the filename starts with / it will be treated as an absolute path relative to the collection root
    • Example: /foo/bar/blog-post will be saved as <MyCollectionPath>/post/blog-post.md
  • If the filename does not start with / it will be treated as a relative to your current folder
    • Example: bar/blog-post will be saved as <MyCollectionPath>/<CurrentDirectory>/bar/blog-post.md


ui.filename.readonlyDisable the editor from editing the filename
ui.filename.slugifyA function that takes in the values of the form and returns the filename


To use the filename customization API, you need to pass a slugify function that allows you to customize the filename of a document based on its content.

Example with slugify and disabled

export default defineConfig({
schema: {
collections: [
label: 'Blog Posts',
name: 'post',
path: 'content/post',
format: 'md',
ui: {
filename: {
// if disabled, the editor can not edit the filename
readonly: true,
// Example of using a custom slugify function
slugify: (values) => {
// Values is an object containing all the values of the form. In this case it is {title?: string, topic?: string}
return `${values?.topic || 'no-topic'}-${values?.title
.replace(/ /g, '-')}`
fields: [
type: 'string',
label: 'Title',
name: 'title',
type: 'string',
label: 'Topic',
name: 'topic',
options: ['programming', 'blacksmithing'],

Example with default slugify

If no slugify function is provided and there is a field with isTItle: true. A default slugify function will be used that strips out every non-alphanumeric character and replaces spaces with dashes.

export default defineConfig({
schema: {
collections: [
label: 'Blog Posts',
name: 'post',
path: 'content/post',
format: 'md',
fields: [
type: 'string',
label: 'Title',
name: 'title',
// If no slugify function is provided, then by default the "title" field will be used to generate the filename
isTitle: true,
required: true,
type: 'string',
label: 'Topic',
name: 'topic',
options: ['programming', 'blacksmithing'],